Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blog Entry #31

  said "Kim Kardashian -- I'm Ditching My Last Name!" Goodbye, Kim Kardashian ... HELLO, Kim Humphries -- TMZ has learned ... the BIGGEST name in reality television will soon cease to exist ... because Kim K will be taking her soon-to-be husband's last name. That's right -- sources close to Kim are adamant ... the most famous Kardashian of them all will "for sure" take NBA star Kris Humphries' last name when the couple ties the knot this summer. Which might piss off Kim's mom, Kris Jenner -- who recently told, "I don’t think she should take his name and be Kim Humphries ... She needs to be Kim Kardashian because she’s worked so hard to get where she is.”
            I can't believe that Reality Star Kim Kardashian is going to change her name. Her name is what makes her famous. It is one of the biggest name why would she want to change it. I would never think that she would change her name. This blog entry is different to the other blogs. This is my first time that about Reality Star Kim Kardashian
              I disagree on Reality Star Kim Kardashian. I think that it's good that she wants to change her name. SHe wants to try something new. But her name is famous and makes her stand out. I agree with Kim's mom. She think that Kim shouldn't change her name. She worked too hard to get where she is. I think she might pick that name. She might call her self Kim Kardashian Humphries. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog Entry #30

    said "P!nk -- Raise Your the Baby Bump" With a drink in hand and hubby Carey Hart trailing behind, P!nk showed off her maternal glow and growing baby bump in Hawaii this weekend.The 31-year-old is due sometime around May 31. 
                    I never thought that Singer Pink would get pregnant because she seems like a party girl that don't want kids. It would be interesting, her having a kid. This blog entry is different from my other blogs. It talks about a celebrity. But its about  a popstar name Pink. I never talked about her. 
                    I don' know if I disagree or agree. Singer Pink is a party girl. I don't think she is ready for a child. But she seems like she would be serious about the child. I think that the baby might come out wild. I think it's a good idea for her to have a baby because it shows responsibility. Pink might become more serious. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blog Entry #29 said "'Jersey Shore' Cast -- We're Goin' to Italy!!" The entire "Jersey Shore" cast is finally getting THE BOOT -- because we're told the plan is to shoot Season 4 in Italy! Sources connected to the show tell us they will be scouting locations in Italy -- similar to the way they did it in Miami -- to find the right locale. One source connected with the show says they've already lined up some of Vinny's Italian relatives to host the "Jersey" crew for an authentic Guadagnino dinner.  And we're told ... two months ago execs began working on getting visas for the cast and crew. Of course, the whole thing is contingent on whether the Italian government lets them in the country!! UPDATE: MTV just confirmed our story ... Italy's the place!  Arrivederci!
        For season four of Jersey Shore it's going to be in Italy. That's new and different. I never thought that they would go somewhere else than Jersey. The show it's called Jersey Shore and it would be weird if the cast go somewhere else. This blog entry is similar to blog entry #19 and #20. They both talk about Jersey Shore crew.
      I agree and disagree. I think that it's good idea that the Jersey Shore crew is going somewhere else besides Jersey. But the name of the show it's Jersey Shore. I think that they should change the name. They are no longer in Jersey. I think that they may change it to Jersey Shore Goes To Italy or something like that.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog Entry #28

      TMZ said "President Obama WILL NOT Release Death Photo" President Barack Obama has now decided he will NOT release the ultra-gory photos of Osama bin Laden's bloody, bullet-ridden face to the public. The news comes in the wake of reports that Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Hillary Clinton had advised Obama about concerns that releasing a photograph could prompt a backlash against the U.S. Obama told "60 Minutes" ... "The risks of release outweigh the benefits" ... adding, "Conspiracy theorists around the world will just claim the photos are doctored anyway, and there is a real risk that releasing the photos will only serve to inflame public opinion in the Middle East." Obama continued, "Imagine how the American people would react if al-Qaida killed one of our troops or military leaders, and put photos of the body on the internet." "Osama bin Laden is not a trophy -- he is dead and let's now focus on continuing the fight until al-Qaida has been eliminated."
        President Obama said that he will not release the death photo of Osama. That shows that President Obama cares about what other people think and respect them. I thought he was going to just release the pictures to show people that Osama is really dead. This blog entry is similar to blog entry #26 because it talks about Osama.
        I agree on the President Obama decision. I think it's good for him to not release the pictures. People from the Middle East wouldn't like that and they probably will attack America for doing that. I think that one of the military probably have a photo of their own of Osama. I think that one of the military will show people or maybe not.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog Entry #27

   said "Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon Named Their Children...WHAT???" learned that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon have named their newborn boy and girl . . . Moroccan and Monroe.Their son, Moroccan Scott Cannon, is named after the Moroccan-inspired decor of the top tier of Carey's New York City apartment. The so-called Moroccan Room is also where Cannon proposed. They picked the middle name Scott since it's both Cannon's middle name as well as his grandmother's maiden name.Their daughter, Monroe Cannon, is named after Marilyn Monroe, who has inspired Carey. Unlike her brother, Monroe doesn't have a middle name because Carey doesn't have one either.
         The names Singer Mariah Carey and Comedian Nick Cannon are wierd. The boy name is Moroccan and the girl name is Monroe. Those name are very rare. I thought they were going to name them Marilyn or Nicholas but they didn't. This is my first time talking about Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon on my blog.
          I agree on the names that Singer Mariah Carey and Comedian Nick Cannon put on their children. Their names are unique and nobody will think about naming their children unique names like that. I think their children will grow up to be successful and beautiful.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog Entry #26 said "Osama bin Laden Is Dead" Osama bin Laden has been killed by U.S. military forces, President Barack Obama just announced. The 9/11 mastermind was reportedly shot in the head in Pakistan and his body is in U.S. hands. President Obama said he authorized the mission to make a move on Bin Laden last week -- after several months of planning  -- and the attack went down today in the compound where the Al Qaeda leader was hiding. Bin Laden was killed after a firefight. Bin Laden's demise comes 9 years, 7 months and 20 days after the 2001 9/11 attacks. Ironically, today marks the 8th anniversary of George W. Bush's "mission accomplished" speech.
         I knew that he was going to die someday but not this soon. Im surprise that he died. I thought he was going to hide and get away with it for a long time. This is great news for the people who lost somebody in 9/11. This is my first time talking about news report. This blog entry is different from other blogs I did. 
     I agree on Osama bin Laden death. He killed so many people without a care. I feel like he deserved to die. Everybody deserve another chance but he deserved what he got. He was a careless man. I think now that people know he's dead things will be better. People who lost somebody on 9/11 will be happy. I also think that there might be another person who wants to be like Osama and do the same thing he did. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blog Entry #25 said  "MTO WORLD EXCLUSIVE: After Paying Fees To Young Money . . .Rapper Drake Is BROKE!!!(Details)" spoke to a person FORMERLY AFFILIATED with Young Money who told us that despite being one of the hottest rappers in the world . . . Drake is virtually BROKE. Well, the word "broke" is a relative term. The insider explains, "Drake has to pay [Lil] Wayne and [Baby] every time he performs a song, he also uses their security company, pays for travel through their agent [et cetera]. I think all in all they take about 80% of his money." The insider continues, "And with whats left, he spends it on luxury cars like he has a $300,000 Lamborghini." Drizzy, brother. . . we understand you're young and enjoying life . . . . but you gotta SAVE a little too!!      I didn't know that Rapper Drake was spending money like that. I thought he had a lot of money since his famous and everything. Im surprise that he's not investing his money on something. Since this blog entry is talking about Rapper Drake, its related to blog entry #16.
     I agree with Mediatakeout. I think that Rapper Drake should save some money. He should have never brought that Lamborghini. I don't think Drake is going to last long if he keep spending money like that. He should invest his money. I think he might think about investing it.